To verify that our projects break the mould and are appreciated by the open source community, we measure the amount of stars and forks on our repositories.
The graph shows the total number of stars and forks across the sebgroup organization on Github.
Issue tracking
Issues are a big part of interacting with the open source community. We measure the total amount of open issues as an indication of activity as well as closed issues this month to see that we are constantly improving our code.
The graph shows the total number of currently open issues and the number of closed issues in the specified month, across the sebgroup organization on GitHub.
Open source projects would be nothing without contributors. We have both staff and private individuals among our contributors. We measure our contributor base to make sure that we have an inclusive environment that encourages people to contribute.
The graph shows the total number of unique contributors, across the sebgroup organization on Github.
Most importantly, we need to make sure that there's activity in our projects and that it's not just a collection of skeletons.
The graph shows the total number of repositories that have had new code or issues added during the last month, across the sebgroup organization on GitHub.